
How to watch THE BOY and THE HERON with Your Heart

Support us on Patreon! ► How do you live is the newest book to get the Studio Ghibli treatment with the Academy Award winning film from Hayao Miyazaki. A movie you feel more than just get an on the rails story.  Join Josh, Amy, Esteves, and Tom talk about their experience with The Boy…

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How a $10 Million Godzilla Movie Won Our Hearts

Support us on Patreon! ► You know we had to do it to em. From the long legacy and several iterations, we are going to talk in depth about why GODZILLA MINUS ONE rises above many, if not all, the other Kaiju films. From the shoestring budget, moving story, and gigantic homage to the…

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Support us on Patreon! ► Marvel Jesus brings us back to the MCU, too bad it’s at a multiversal low point. Defiling graves, ending studios, and more cameos you didn’t know you needed, we break open this Fox Marvel love letter! Join Corey, Esteves, and Tom talk about their experience with Deadpool and Wolverine…

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How John Carpenter Makes a Rated G Movie

Support us on Patreon! ► With the Autumnal and Halloween Season rolling in, John Carpenter’s The Fog rolls in as well. Join the full crew discussing the love and iconic choices that made this film a classic that was originally aimed to be PG in a PG13-less world. It’s 11:55PM for this episode to…

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Anna Brisbin talks about Magic, Acting, and The Prestige

Support us on Patreon! ► From video games, anime, and cartoons, there are plenty of things we love to emulate with our imaginations from roleplaying to making a career from it. Anna Brisbin joins us in the studio to talk about what she loves and why it’s The Prestige on this episode of NERD…

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Trope Time Update

Hello, In 2018 we debuted a bold new podcast Trope Time, starring hosts Nikki and Izzy. The show provided a unique perspective in analyzing different psychosocial aspects of the popular arts, like movies, games, and anime. Inclusion is at the core of what Nerd On! stands for, and while we are incredibly proud of the…

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Zombieland: How Did We Get Here?

Zombieland: Double Tap is a 2019 film written by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and David Callaham, and directed by Ruben Fleischer. A follow-up to the surprise 2009 hit Zombieland, Double Tap picks up ten years after the events of the first film. Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin all return to reprise…

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The Exorcist: A Review

The Exorcist is a 1973 horror film written by William Peter Blatty (based on his novel) and directed by William Friedkin. The film stars Ellen Burstyn as Chris, a single mother whose daughter Regan (Linda Blair) is possessed by an evil entity. In an act of desperation, she turns to a psychiatrist and priest named…

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A Nightmare on Elm Street: A Review

A Nightmare on Elm Street is a 1984 horror film written and directed by Wes Craven. The story revolves around a small group of teens who are terrorized in their dreams by a demonic specter, a man with knives on his fingers named Fred Krueger. When the teens fall asleep, they are murdered in mysterious…

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Become a Master of Coding with The Kano Star Wars The Force™ Coding Kit

Humans are complex beings. We can take a class about the same subject for years, and forget almost everything after a couple months. However, when we learn something through song or while playing, we can remember that information for decades. Computer programming can seem so complicated, but companies like Kano make it a breeze. They…

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