Starside with FuturFoe

The Foggy Future of Destiny’s Crucible

Last Week was the final week for Bungie lead sandbox designers, Josh Hamrick and Jon Weisnewski. The separation seems to be on the best of terms, with both of them having left to take a break and pursue other creative challenges. Career changes are pretty normal in the gaming industry, and are generally seen as…

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Leveling Up in Destiny 2 is finally on the Back Burner

Destiny 2 launched with a brand new Milestone system. From campaign to side quests to endgame, you used the milestones tab in your director to know what you needed to do next. This essentially defined your entire experience. It felt like checking items off a grocery list, especially since your only real pursuit was that…

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Destiny 2 on PC is Now My Weekend Car

It is possible to be both a casual and hobbyist Destiny 2 player. I should know, because I’m one of them. The question often arises about what would make me quit Destiny. Honestly, I don’t believe that anything can make me quit. I’m starting to see myself as less of a true gamer, and more…

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Destiny 2’s Pursuits Bucket and You

With the introduction of the Forsaken expansion, Destiny 2 is turning the page to year 2. This came with the introduction of the pursuits bucket to our inventory screens. It was a complement to the flurry of bounties added to the game, a feature from Destiny 1 that didn’t make it to the launch of…

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Bungie’s Freedom From Activision Is Not A Free Pass

In a surprise announcement yesterday, Bungie and Activision released a joint statement announcing plans to sever ties. Activision is going to transition full publishing rights for the Destiny franchise to Bungie, the franchise’s developer. This process would leave Bungie as sole owner of the Destiny intellectual property, as well as making them the franchise’s publisher….

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Difficulty by Power in Destiny 2: Forsaken

One of the hottest topics of contention in the Destiny community is Power. In Destiny, power is a number used to determine your effectiveness in combat. It defines how much damage you do, and how much damage you can take. It is taken as an average of all of the attack and defense numbers of…

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The Last Word on Destiny 2: Forsaken, For Now

With the release of Black Armory this week, we officially exit Forsaken “vanilla” territory. Now we can enter the realm of extended content through annual pass…or so we think. Before we dive into that, let’s talk about Forsaken as a whole. In my Review in Progress I talked about everything that Forsaken brought to the…

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Investing in Destiny 2: Forsaken’s Annual Pass

Earlier this week, Bungie treated us to a very special video which outlined the upcoming year of content. It broke down the seasons, annual pass, and more pressingly, the first content release of the annual pass. Titled Black Armory, it launches this coming Tuesday on December 4th. If you own the base Destiny 2, you…

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Pinnacle Weapons in Destiny 2: Forsaken Season 5

While we eagerly anticipate the Annual Pass reveal for the Black Armory DLC, Bungie has started to lift the veil on some details for season 5. Namely in regards to pinnacle weapons. Season 5 will see the introduction of pinnacle weapons from the Vanguard and Gambit. That being said, let’s talk about what pinnacle weapons…

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Destiny 2: Forsaken’s Season 5 & Black Armory DLC Detailed

With Season 4: Season of the Outlaw set to end on November 27th, it’s becoming evident that Bungie is prepping to deploy Black Armory. This will be the first content expansion from the Forsaken Annual Pass. The only official time-frame we have is December 2018, and a December 4th release window has been rumored. If true,…

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